Counselling and Psychotherapy

I offer short and long-term therapeutic counselling to adults and young people presenting with mental health needs including anxiety, low moods, and symptoms of PTSD and relationship problems. My service is hybrid either face to face or remote counselling. I offer a holistic approach to help understand your cognitive, feelings, behavioural, and physiological levels of functioning. I work closely with the client to help clarify their thoughts, regulate their emotions, and understand their needs in relationships with themselves, the people in their lives and how they present to the world.

We work towards removing expectations, often rooted in our belief system and core conditions by reflecting at aspects in our life which we may be unaware of and bringing them into consciousness. By doing so we are able to align ourselves with our own needs to reclaim our self-identity.

As a psychotherapist, I adopt a holistic therapeutic approach that synthesises elements from diverse modalities to customise therapy plans and treatments according to each client’s needs. This approach is centred on the individual.

Please read more about diverse modalities here.

Counselling Groups

We have found group counselling to be highly effective in bringing a sense of community and support that comes from sharing experiences with others facing similar challenges. This can reduce feelings of isolation and provide a sense of belonging. Hearing others share similar experiences and coping strategies can normalise your own feelings and experiences, reducing shame and self-blame.

Group therapy exposes individuals to diverse perspectives and coping strategies they may not have considered on their own. This can broaden your understanding of your issues and provide new insights into your situation.

This setting provides a safe environment to practice and develop your interpersonal skills such as communication, empathy and assertiveness through valuable group feedback, encouragement and support to each other. Hearing others share their progress and successes can be motivating and inspiring for individuals working towards your own goals.

This approach has long term benefits including developing lasting connections and support networks which can provide ongoing support and encouragement even after therapy has ended.

If you would like to book me for a new group therapy or you wish to join an existing group therapy, kindly email me and I will get in touch with you to discuss what is available.

Clinical Supervision

  • Individual clinical supervision
  • Group clinical supervision
  • Reflective Practice for organisations

As a clinical supervisor, I offer high quality supervision to reflect on your practice, gain insight on your therapeutic relationship and embed your learning to foster trust in your judgement and knowledge. My approach is based on the Seven Eyed model by Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet 1985. This model offers supervision from both relational and systemic perspectives by looking at seven different aspects and also actively promoting self-care.

  1. Focusing on the clients and exploring what and how they present
  2. Exploring the strategies and interventions used by the therapist when working with the client
  3. Focussing on the relationship between the client and the supervisee
  4. Focussing on the supervisee
  5. Focussing on the supervisory relationship
  6. The supervisor focussing on their own experience
  7. Focusing on the wider context in which the work happens – considering the system the client finds themselves in

Reflective Practice for organisation

I facilitate Reflective practice for organisations. This encourages individuals to examine their own thoughts, feelings, and actions. By fostering self-awareness, employees can recognize signs of burnout early on and take proactive steps to address them. This self-awareness also enables staff to identify areas where they have agency and influence, empowering them to take ownership of their work environment. Incorporating reflective practice into organizational culture can play a significant role in preventing burnout and promoting staff agency by fostering self-awareness, problem-solving skills, resilience, a learning culture, employee engagement, work-life balance, and ultimately, retention and recruitment benefits.


Clinical Lead / Consultant – MHPSS

As an experienced Clinical Lead and specialist in mental health and psychosocial support, I bring a unique combination of clinical expertise, psychosocial perspectives, cultural sensitive, advocacy, leadership, Trauma informed practice, Partnerships and strategic vision. My contributions have a profound and lasting impact on the psychosocial well-being and resilience of individuals and communities, embodying the highest ideals of compassionate leadership and social justice advocacy.

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”

(Helen Keller)

Personal Mentorship

An integrative approach which combines counselling and SMART goals setting

Personal mentorship is a tailored approach designed for clients who find themselves encountering obstacles in achieving their SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals or aspirations. This comprehensive method combines coaching interventions with counselling techniques to empower you to take proactive steps towards your desired outcomes.

In our collaborative journey, we’ll begin by evaluating your goals to ensure they align with the SMART criteria. This initial step allows us to establish clear objectives and benchmarks for progress. Utilizing cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) skills, psychoeducation, and insights from neuroscience, we’ll work together to identify and address any barriers standing in your way.

Throughout the mentorship process, you can expect to engage in various activities such as homework assignments, checklists, exercises, or simple tasks designed to enhance your understanding and commitment to your goals. These practical tools serve to reinforce learning, foster accountability, and keep you motivated as you navigate your journey towards personal growth.

Ultimately, the goal of personal mentorship is to equip you with the inner resilience and self-reliance needed to overcome challenges and move confidently towards autonomy. By providing a nurturing environment and a structured framework for progress, this approach empowers you to unlock your full potential and achieve lasting success in both your personal and professional endeavours.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Having worked in a large organisation in a senior role and coming from a minority background, I understand how some organisational workplace cultures may create unconscious bias which may have an impact on our self-esteem, self-identity as well as physical wellbeing. I also know what it is to have no voice in a work place, feelings of discrimination or lack of validation may have a negative impact on our performance and subsequent limit our progression to senior roles.

Work challenges can develop feelings of isolation and loneliness resulting in self-doubt or impact on your sense of self identity. I also know what it is to have your difference unseen, unacknowledged, dismissed and not valued. Whether your sense of difference is external and visible or more internally located, the very act of being you can be really challenging. So I have a particular passion for those who grapple with their identity or aspects of it. I also provide a space for those who want to explore their own privilege and its relational impact.

I am also mindful of my own biases and assumptions and strife to work within an inclusive and collaborative response to support the career progression of minority groups to increase the visible diversity in senior roles. In addition to being mindful of the ways systems of power and privilege operate, I remain sensitive to the complexity of the client’s experiences and promote understanding and social justice.

Using “Social GGRRAAACCEEESSS” A practical tool to address inequality in my assessment with clients to assess levels of power and powerlessness.

I specialise in providing therapeutic support to frontline staff, leaders, and managers. Through our collaborative therapeutic relationship, my focus is on identifying your individual strengths and unique qualities. Together, we work to harness these strengths, allowing your full potential to unfold and thrive

Training & Workshops

I offer bespoke training on the following topics:

  • A psychosocial perspective in working with people from a Multicultural background
  • Intercultural counselling
  • Vicarious Trauma, Burnout and Self Care
  • Speaker – Mental Health Conferences
  • Safeguarding Adults and children
  • Trauma Informed Practice
  • Building organisational resilience
  • Empathic Communication working with vulnerable clients
  • Tree of Life
  • Working with Gender based Violence
  • Emotional Regulation

Our training is flexible in delivery and can either be delivered face to face or via our interactive online mode. We can also deliver the training through an in-house group workshop which gives you full control of the content and schedule of delivery, the training will be bespoke to your team’s unique needs and can be delivered across consecutive days or split up days.

Vicarious Trauma, Burnout and Self Care

In my work on the frontline, I have first-hand experience of the emotional toll that bearing witnessing to the suffering of others can take, including the internalization of anger and sadness about client’s distress or victimisation. We bear the risk of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue through over-identifying with our clients, denying our clients trauma or being preoccupied with thoughts of our clients outside of work environment. This can have a negative impact on our wellbeing including negative changes of our world views.

I understand the significance of cultivating self-awareness, self-empathy, practicing self-compassion, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance to develop a psychological resilience and safeguard our own wellbeing. Central to fostering a thriving workplace environment is the promotion and support of employee wellbeing. By prioritizing this aspect, individuals are empowered to flourish and achieve their fullest potential.”

My Emotional wellbeing workshops are interactive and designed to engage and inspire you to identify emerging symptoms of vicarious trauma and risk factors to prevent emotional exhaustion.

With a combination of learning and participation, you can leave the workshop with new mindfulness interventions to enhance your self-awareness and grounding skills. These workshops can help reduce the number of absences at work, increases staff productivity and promote a health working culture.

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